Safety & Rules


With the good experiences from previous years, security checks will also be intensified at Summerjam 2025. At arrival to the Summerjam area there will be preliminary inspections.
Only guests with a valid festival ticket are allowed to visit the Summerjam area, this also applies to all camping areas. In recent years, these measures have reduced tent thefts. This concept will also be implemented in 2024. You will get your valid festival wristband at the wristband exhange containers/ticket counters at the access controls to the camping areas. Stricter controls will also be carried out in the entrance area to the festival island.
Please take note that the pre-camping only starts on Wednesday, 02nd July 2025!

All measures are synchronized in close collaboration with our and your partner - the police of Cologne. Our security personnel and the police will be ever-present in all areas. If you notice something or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact them.

For safety reasons open fires, which also means grills in any form, are strictly prohibited on the camping grounds.
It is not permitted to take animals/pets to the Summerjam, neither to the festival island nor to the camping grounds. It is forbidden to take glass bottles into the whole camping and festival area. You can only take beverages with you in Tetra packs or P.E.T./plastic bottles.
The controlled substances act (BtMG, German narcotics act) of course also applies on the entire festival grounds.

Prohibited are furthermore in the Camping Area:
Weapons and aggression or violence of any kind, gas cartridges over 450g filling weight, petrol, pyrotechnic articles, laser technology, dry ice, generators, sound systems/professional battery speakers, stationary furniture such as armchairs or "beer tent sets", party pavilions, shopping trolleys.

The operation of trading stalls on the camping and festival grounds is only permitted with the explicit permission of the event organizer.

The camping ground is limited at the Fühlinger See and for festival guests ONLY. Please do not build huge pavilion or gazebo "forts" or private chill out-areas. Otherwise, we might have to ask you to take it down in order to make sure there is enough room for all our camping guests.

Prohibited are furthermore on the Festival Island:
Weapons and aggression or violence of any kind, objects from which danger emanates, gas cartridges, petrol, pyrotechnic articles, laser technology, dry ice, generators, sound systems/professional battery speakers, stools, folding chairs, camping chairs, sunbeds, tents, umbrellas, any furniture such as armchairs or "beer tent sets", drinks and food (except of soft plastic bottles/originally sealed Tetrapaks to refill at the water taps up to 1 Litre), spray cans, markers.

Consumption & Carrying of Cannabis

The consumption of cannabis is generally permitted at the Summerjam Festival with the partial legalisation that has been passed. However, with the new Cannabis Act (CanG for short), there are differences in the implementation of partial legalisation depending on the federal state or even municipality. Below we would like to inform you about some of the rules at the Summerjam Festival and ask you to comply with them.

1. Possession of up to 25 g for personal consumption is permitted;
2. trafficking is and remains prohibited and will be reported immediately;
3. we will continue to carry out controls at the entrances, the list of prohibited items can be found above;
4. the police will continue to be present on the entire site to prevent and prosecute tent break-ins, theft and cannabis trafficking;
5. the consumption of cannabis in the immediate vicinity of children and young people is not permitted. In particular, the consumption of cannabis, alcohol or tobacco in our Kids Area is absolutely taboo;
6. we ask you to be considerate of each other and to keep your distance if someone feels disturbed by the odour;
7. "Don't drink and drive!" and "Don't smoke weed and drive!" apply on arrival and departure. Make sure you and your friends are fit to drive. There will be more checks.

We hope that we can enjoy a nice Summerjam Festival with the new rules.

Photography & Recording

Still photography for personal, non-commercial use is permitted. Audio and video recordings are not permitted, and any violation will be prosecuted. Please leave your professional digital or analogous single lens reflex camera at home. They are also not permitted on the festival grounds. On the camping grounds there are no restrictions regarding photography, audio and video recordings – as long as the personal rights of others are not violated!
At the festival there will be taken photos and video recordings by accredited media outlets, journalists and the promoter. These recordings will be duplicated and used for media coverage and documentaries – distributed via print, DVD, TV and online.
By entering the festival grounds, you declare your agreement to possibly be recorded and that these recordings might be used as stated above. There will be no compensation.
The use of tripods and selfie-sticks is also not allowed on the festival grounds.


Lockers are available at four stations around the lake, please see more details in the festival plan.
It is possible to rent a locker for the entire festival period in advance.
Depending on availability, there is also the possibility of booking by the day directly on site.

Get your Reservation


Like every year countless helpers, orderlies, policemen/women, DLRG and friends will be supporting the festival organization and will be at your side in the event of any problems arising. On the island and in the camping area (overview plan) a respective paramedic station will be installed and run by the "Knights of St. John" first aid organization. In the event of any health issues, please contact our competent staff/helpers.

EDELGARD MOBILE - the port of call for girls & women

Experienced and trained professionals listen to you and discuss the next steps after harassment, coercion or rape.

Come to EDELGARD mobile on P2 or call:
 - If you are unsettled
 - If you feel threatened and need support
 - If you have witnessed a sexual assault and would like advice

You can reach the EDELGARD mobile by phone at (+49) 221 / 221-27777.


- Friday, 8 pm to 1 am
- Saturday, 8 pm to 1 am
- Sunday, 8 pm to 1 am

on P2 available - or speak to the nearest security post: Code word is EDELGARD.
Our security is available around the clock in case of need!


We have set up various rescue points throughout the campsite. These are clearly marked and numbered.You will find an overview map at each camp service.What to do in an emergency?In an emergency, call 112 and give the following information:WHERE [rescue point]? - Then wait for further enquiries.Details of the rescue pointI am at the rescue point with the numberWhat has happened?How many people are injured or in danger?How can I reach you by telephone?Arrange for a contact person to remain at the rescue point to brief the emergency services. It is imperative that all roads are kept clear! These are emergency access routes for ambulances, fire brigade, etc., in order to be able to save lives quickly if necessary - yours or your friends'.


Help us to make our camping ground safe! Due to tent break-ins in the past years, we urgently request you to leave your valuables at home or to carry them with you. To prevent theft, we recommend that as soon as you have installed your tent you introduce yourself to your tent neighbors and mutually watch out for each other. A special camping security team will take action in close coordination with the police.

Summerjam Merchandise

Get the official Summerjam Merchandise now!


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